all postcodes in OX9 / CHINNOR

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX9 2AA 11 1 51.74906 -0.982004
OX9 2AB 4 1 51.748215 -0.983066
OX9 2AD 9 1 51.749753 -0.983176
OX9 2AE 14 0 51.749971 -0.984504
OX9 2AG 9 0 51.748068 -0.98798
OX9 2AH 15 7 51.748226 -0.988911
OX9 2AJ 7 1 51.746451 -0.994817
OX9 2AL 6 0 51.747684 -0.989321
OX9 2AN 26 0 51.747836 -0.98713
OX9 2AP 15 0 51.746683 -0.987924
OX9 2AQ 1 1 51.746734 -0.991805
OX9 2AR 7 0 51.746199 -0.986023
OX9 2AS 10 0 51.745592 -0.986471
OX9 2AT 26 0 51.746101 -0.988154
OX9 2AU 29 0 51.744716 -0.989156
OX9 2AW 13 0 51.746802 -0.986053
OX9 2AX 15 0 51.745127 -0.988929
OX9 2AY 3 0 51.746437 -0.995882
OX9 2AZ 4 0 51.749106 -0.987363
OX9 2BA 3 0 51.748985 -0.984758